As any rider, horse lover, or equestrian enthusiast will tell you the bond between a person and a horse is something truly remarkable. The relationships that are built can last a lifetime and are simply so strong and run so deep that words often fail to do it justice. This has been recently embraced by the therapeutic world with equine therapy becoming very common in assisting people to move past any difficulties they may be experiencing. Horses can give us such peace, tranquility and be an incredibly powerful and positive source of comfort and inspiration. But when we have such a bond, such a conduit that allows positivity to flow through it there are times when we as people can struggle to tap into this which has a negative impact on performance. When we’re so reliant on that bond that when we can’t tune in to it we can struggle. You’re there, you’re riding but everything is a step too late, nothing is in sync, there’s just no connection!
How many of us don’t jump in the saddle when we’re feeling stressed as we know that it’ll be an awful experience for both horse and rider? How many of us perform like superstars when practising yet struggle to keep things together when we’re competing or under a bit of pressure? How many of us allow our personal lives to interfere with our equestrian lives? How many of us have a fall and then struggle to get back in the saddle? How many of us have forgotten why we fell in love with horses in the first place?
Whether you’re looking to improve your amateur performance at local shows, make the next step at the professional level, or just to improve your equine relationships, hypnotherapy is something you should absolutely consider. If you’re experiencing any of the following in your life it will be having a negative effect on your equestrian relationships and performance: anxiety, stress, low confidence, poor self esteem, depression, anger, grief, fear, phobias, panic attacks and much more.
As someone who has been around both the amateur and professional side of the equestrian world I can offer an understanding that most other therapists can’t as we all know very well that horses are a vocation, a lifestyle, and usually the central point around which our lives revolve. With a positive, personally tailored, and solution focused approach you’ll begin to see the improvements very quickly so please do get in touch. It’s never too late to achieve your dream!
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